If you are not already a registered user:
Click on Sign up, under the Sign in section
Complete the form entitled Complete the following to register
Click on Register
On the following page, check the box for (I am) An official, shotclock operator or timekeeper
Click on Go
On the following page, choose to complete your optional personal information
Click on Next
On the following page, complete your officiating information. This information is important as it will control how you are scheduled for games. See below for more information
Navigate to the Arenas tab and enter which arena's you are willing to travel to for games.
Click on Next
On the following page - if you belong on a team, enter your team's name, choose your Role and enter your Position and Jersey # if applicable.
Note: If you have a bias towards a team for any reason and should not be officiating that team, you should add it here with your role being a "fan" - if you don't want this team's schedule to appear on your dashboard, uncheck the checkbox.
Click on Next
You are now registered as an official, although an administrator must complete your registration - so while you will have access to some information, you may not have access to all.
If you are already a registered user:
Go to Account Details -> Registration -> Register as a game official
Complete the Register as a game official form
Click on Add
Navigate to the Arenas tab and enter which arena's you are willing to travel to for games.
If you belong on a team, go to
enter your team's name, choose your role and enter your position and jersey # if applicable.
Note: If you have a bias towards a team for any reason and should not be officiating that team, you should add it here with your role being a "fan" - if you don't want this team's schedule to appear on your dashboard, uncheck the checkbox.
You are now registered as an official, although an administrator must complete your registration - so while you will have access to some information, you may not have access to all.
Note: You can only register as each type of official once. Once you have registered as an on-ice official, for example, it will no longer be available under the drop-down.
What the data on the Register as a game official form means:
Role: This is the type of official you are registering as
Scheduling availability: This controls how you will be assigned, as well as how you may be contacted by the system/other officials. There are three options:
Not available for games - you will not be assigned to any games, the system will not send you emails about games that are available to be picked up, and your name will not appear on public contact lists for officials. You will be able to pick up games if you look for them specifically and choose to do so.
Available upon request only. Do not automatically schedule me - you will not be assigned to any games, but the system will send you emails about games that are available to be picked up and your name will appear on public contact lists for officials.
Automatically schedule me based on the information that I have provided here - you will be assigned to games automatically. The system will respect he choices you have made on this screen, as well as your venue (arena) selections and your unavailability based on the unavailability you enter and any team schedules you may be part of. The system will send you emails about games that are available to be picked up and your name will appear on public contact lists for officials
The hardest division I'm willing to do: This indicates the most difficult age group and play calibre you are willing to officiate. This does not guarantee that you will get games at the highest level you choose - your assignor and/or evaluators have some control over this as well.
Maximum # of games per week I can be scheduled for: This indicates the most games you will be assigned to within a one-week period.